2016. december 25., vasárnap
2016. december 22., csütörtök
2016. december 21., szerda
New Blog
So I started a new blog. It's: You Can Call Me Lucy and I'm writing my impressions about beauty, skincare and haircare products I use and try. It can happen that there's going to be some fashion and lifestyle related posts as well.
I'm keeping this blog for posting some of my poems and other art I make.
I've reached 10 000 visitor and I even passed that! I can't believe! This is so great! 🎆
I'm keeping this blog for posting some of my poems and other art I make.
I've reached 10 000 visitor and I even passed that! I can't believe! This is so great! 🎆

2016. október 30., vasárnap
Autumn shopping
So yesterday I did a bit of an autumn shopping. I got some cosy-cute stuff.
I found a great black and white cardigan with a kind of plaid pattern. To be honest I wanted a berry coloured one bur I couldn't find that anywhere. This one is so warm and long. I love it. I got something else in berry colour which is a delicate top with some lace details. It fits me perfectly 👌 . I bought a pair of thermo tights. Nothing interesting, simply black tights from a warm, soft material. Last things are socks. These were so hard to find, especially in a good price. I can't believe how expensive socks can be. I mean they're just socks... So in the fifth shop I bought four pairs. I wanted these thicker, knitted kinds which are look cute if they're longer than my boots. You know what I mean. And they're not just looking good but keeping my leggings on place so my ankles won't freeze. I hope you got what I'm trying to say.
I found a great black and white cardigan with a kind of plaid pattern. To be honest I wanted a berry coloured one bur I couldn't find that anywhere. This one is so warm and long. I love it. I got something else in berry colour which is a delicate top with some lace details. It fits me perfectly 👌 . I bought a pair of thermo tights. Nothing interesting, simply black tights from a warm, soft material. Last things are socks. These were so hard to find, especially in a good price. I can't believe how expensive socks can be. I mean they're just socks... So in the fifth shop I bought four pairs. I wanted these thicker, knitted kinds which are look cute if they're longer than my boots. You know what I mean. And they're not just looking good but keeping my leggings on place so my ankles won't freeze. I hope you got what I'm trying to say.
2016. szeptember 21., szerda
Fail but not fail
I failed a bit with the abs challenge cuz usually I was too tired when I got home from the Uni or I had to study or prepare for the next courses. So I decided that I'm gonna start it again from the very beginning.
But I did it properly for a week and I think my tummy got a bit more flat than it was. Beside the challenge I eat less. Simply I don't have time to eat as much as I used to before university.
By the way I'm not starving. I just have many other things to care about rather than thinking about eating something yummy. Because most of the time I was eating by boredom. I'm trying to eat as healthy as I can but selfcontrolling in this meaning gives me some problem. Being busy helps me a lot in this way. Furthermore I realized that I like to be busy. As far as I don't get exhausted cuz then I got upset by the feeling that I want to do some more but I'm too tired and unable to concentrate.
Sorry, HUN-readers. I'll translate it later this week :*
But I did it properly for a week and I think my tummy got a bit more flat than it was. Beside the challenge I eat less. Simply I don't have time to eat as much as I used to before university.
By the way I'm not starving. I just have many other things to care about rather than thinking about eating something yummy. Because most of the time I was eating by boredom. I'm trying to eat as healthy as I can but selfcontrolling in this meaning gives me some problem. Being busy helps me a lot in this way. Furthermore I realized that I like to be busy. As far as I don't get exhausted cuz then I got upset by the feeling that I want to do some more but I'm too tired and unable to concentrate.
Sorry, HUN-readers. I'll translate it later this week :*
2016. szeptember 9., péntek
Hello September!

Bár a kihívással már az elején megcsúsztam, mivel kétszer is bent maradtam estére pár ismerőssel a városban és éjjel hazaérve, már nem volt kedvem edzeni...😌
Az egyetemmel lényegesen sikeresebb voltam. 😊
Pinteresten találtam pár tippet a hatékony jegyzeteléshez, amiket ki is próbáltam és valóban beváltak. Ide kattintva elolvashatjátok ezeket a tippeket. Tanuláshoz jó pár tippet mentettem már el, majd ezeket is kipróbálom, ha eljön az ideje.
Two things I started this week. University and Cosmo's two-week abs challenge. I failed a bit with the challenge I stayed in the city with some friends for night out I didn't have any energy to work out when I got home.😌
I was reasonably more successful at the uni.😊
I found great tips for effective note taking and they're really working. You can find these tips here. I also saved some tips for studying and I'm going to try them when the time comes.
2016. augusztus 28., vasárnap
Autumn is coming
I can't believe how fast summer passed by. Mostly I spent it with work cuz my studies will need some extra financial support for sure.
Oh yeah. Big announcement: I'm gonna be a university student from September. I'm a wannabe primary school teacher.
I finished my commercial course in May but I realized that's not my cup of tea. Just too monotonic for me. Teaching seams to be more challenging in a creative way and also I find it easier to get along with kids. Altough I don't really have that much of experience with them... 🙂
El sem hiszem, milyen gyorsan elrepült a nyár. Nagy részét munkával töltöttem, mivel a tanulmányaim biztosan igényelnek majd némi extra anyagi befektetést.
Ó, igen. Nagy bejelentés: Egyetemi tanuló leszek szeptembertől. Tanítónéni szeretnék lenni.
A kereskedelmi tanulmányaimat májusban fejeztem be, de rájöttem, hogy nem igazán nekem való a dolog. Számomra túl monoton. A tanítás kreatívabb módon jelent kihívást és a gyerekekkel egyszerűbb is kijönni. Habár nem sok tapasztalatom van velük eddig... 🙂
Oh yeah. Big announcement: I'm gonna be a university student from September. I'm a wannabe primary school teacher.
I finished my commercial course in May but I realized that's not my cup of tea. Just too monotonic for me. Teaching seams to be more challenging in a creative way and also I find it easier to get along with kids. Altough I don't really have that much of experience with them... 🙂
El sem hiszem, milyen gyorsan elrepült a nyár. Nagy részét munkával töltöttem, mivel a tanulmányaim biztosan igényelnek majd némi extra anyagi befektetést.
Ó, igen. Nagy bejelentés: Egyetemi tanuló leszek szeptembertől. Tanítónéni szeretnék lenni.
A kereskedelmi tanulmányaimat májusban fejeztem be, de rájöttem, hogy nem igazán nekem való a dolog. Számomra túl monoton. A tanítás kreatívabb módon jelent kihívást és a gyerekekkel egyszerűbb is kijönni. Habár nem sok tapasztalatom van velük eddig... 🙂
2016. augusztus 17., szerda
Aaand I forgot about my blog again for a while... Or better to say I couldn't find time to write furthermore I was too exhausted. Usually after work when I got home I had a shower got something to eat then I was watching YouTube videos or fall asleep during sunbathing... 😎
But now let's get back to business. I bought the new Avon BB 7in1 nail colour in Caring Creme. It supposed to strenghten the nails, make them more even and it's function as UV-protector.
First impressions: I love the color and it's quite long lasting. But because of the consistency it's a bit difficult to put on evenly and it dries stripy.
After 3 carefully taken coat it's even. Maybe I just need some practice.
És megint elfeledkeztem kicsit a blogomról... Jobban mondva nem volt rá időm, sem energiám, hogy írjak. Általában munka után, amikor hazaértem, lezuhanyoztam, ettem aztán YouTube videókat néztem vagy bealudtam napozás közben...
De most térjünk is vissza az "üzlethet". Megvettem az új Avon 7az1-ben körömlakkot Caring Creme színben. Elméletileg köröm erősítő, kiegyenlítő és még UV-szűrőként is funkcionál.
Első benyomások: Imádom a színét és elég tartós. De az állaga miatt valahogy nehéz egyenletesen felvinni és csíkosra szárad. Nekem csak 3 óvatosan felvitt réteg után lett egyenletes. Lehet, hogy csak gyakorolnom kell, de elsőre így sikerült.
But now let's get back to business. I bought the new Avon BB 7in1 nail colour in Caring Creme. It supposed to strenghten the nails, make them more even and it's function as UV-protector.
First impressions: I love the color and it's quite long lasting. But because of the consistency it's a bit difficult to put on evenly and it dries stripy.
After 3 carefully taken coat it's even. Maybe I just need some practice.
És megint elfeledkeztem kicsit a blogomról... Jobban mondva nem volt rá időm, sem energiám, hogy írjak. Általában munka után, amikor hazaértem, lezuhanyoztam, ettem aztán YouTube videókat néztem vagy bealudtam napozás közben...
De most térjünk is vissza az "üzlethet". Megvettem az új Avon 7az1-ben körömlakkot Caring Creme színben. Elméletileg köröm erősítő, kiegyenlítő és még UV-szűrőként is funkcionál.
Első benyomások: Imádom a színét és elég tartós. De az állaga miatt valahogy nehéz egyenletesen felvinni és csíkosra szárad. Nekem csak 3 óvatosan felvitt réteg után lett egyenletes. Lehet, hogy csak gyakorolnom kell, de elsőre így sikerült.
2016. július 23., szombat
2016. június 2., csütörtök
From now on...
From now on I'm gonna write in English and Hungarian as well. One hand it's a great opportunity for me to practice and on the other hand my thoughts will reach more people. Maybe. I hope so...
On Instagram I'm gonna keep writing in English beside using some Hungarian hashtag. The new thing is that there's gonna be a new post about every new blog post as well so if you are not following me on Instagram yet, you better do it to be up to date!
Click on the pic to reach my Insta!
On Instagram I'm gonna keep writing in English beside using some Hungarian hashtag. The new thing is that there's gonna be a new post about every new blog post as well so if you are not following me on Instagram yet, you better do it to be up to date!
Mostantól angolul és magyarul is fogok írni. Egyrészt ez jó gyakorlási lehetőség nekem, másrészt így több embert érnek el a gondolataim. Talán. Remélem...
Instagrammon továbbra is angolul fogok írni néhány magyar hashtag használatával, mint ahogy eddig is tettem. Annyi újítás lesz, hogy Instára is posztolok majd minden új blog poszt alkalmával. Úgyhogy ha még nem követtek, itt az ideje,hogy bepótoljátok, hogy naprakészek lehessetek! A fent lévő képre kattintva elérhetitek az Insta oldalam! 😘
Instagrammon továbbra is angolul fogok írni néhány magyar hashtag használatával, mint ahogy eddig is tettem. Annyi újítás lesz, hogy Instára is posztolok majd minden új blog poszt alkalmával. Úgyhogy ha még nem követtek, itt az ideje,hogy bepótoljátok, hogy naprakészek lehessetek! A fent lévő képre kattintva elérhetitek az Insta oldalam! 😘
2016. május 14., szombat
Big Spring Sum-up!
Prepare yourself! It's gonna be a long post.
Hair stuff
Mostly I've been using Avon products since ever. But my favourites are some type of Garnier shampoo and conditioner which are gone... The ones with pomegranate and yeast. I found the shampoo one in a drogerie for an extra low price so I guess they got them out of the market. I'm so sad. I love/loved these so much. They made my hair incredibly soft and had a really pleasent scent *-* As I mentioned I have a shampoo but I haven't started using yet. I must protect that treasure!
I have so many other stuff to use. I'm a bit obsessed with hair care. My newest favourite is a new Avon 2in1 grapefruit and passion fruit shampoo and conditioner with B3, B5 and E vitamins. It smells so good I want to eat it. The other two go-to products I've been using for some months are both Avon product as well from the Advence Techniques line. One is for split ends with keratin and the other is a leave in treatment with arginin and keratin. This last one has quite strong scent which I don't prefer that much but since it's strengthen my hair I don't mind.
There's another Garnier product I've been loving. Thanks God it's still available. It is the Fructis Densify conditioner. It has pomegranate and Fibra-Cylane - whatever is that. It seems to me that pomegranate is doing a really great job with my hair.
Unfortunately I've just run out of it so this holy grail is empty... But I don't want to repurchase is yet because I collected a bunch of other hair stuff and I want to try them.
Hair stuff
Mostly I've been using Avon products since ever. But my favourites are some type of Garnier shampoo and conditioner which are gone... The ones with pomegranate and yeast. I found the shampoo one in a drogerie for an extra low price so I guess they got them out of the market. I'm so sad. I love/loved these so much. They made my hair incredibly soft and had a really pleasent scent *-* As I mentioned I have a shampoo but I haven't started using yet. I must protect that treasure!
I have so many other stuff to use. I'm a bit obsessed with hair care. My newest favourite is a new Avon 2in1 grapefruit and passion fruit shampoo and conditioner with B3, B5 and E vitamins. It smells so good I want to eat it. The other two go-to products I've been using for some months are both Avon product as well from the Advence Techniques line. One is for split ends with keratin and the other is a leave in treatment with arginin and keratin. This last one has quite strong scent which I don't prefer that much but since it's strengthen my hair I don't mind.
![]() |
#freshlywashedhair #nomakeup |
Unfortunately I've just run out of it so this holy grail is empty... But I don't want to repurchase is yet because I collected a bunch of other hair stuff and I want to try them.
Shoe problems
Except two pairs all of my shoes have a hole on their sole. Last time in the heaviest rain of May I wore my white sneakers, which I decorated myself, and the sole of the right one simply got broken. It felt like walking on a sponge. From that hole the whole shoe got soaked even the bottom of my jeans...
The weather is awful recently so yesterday I had to wear my boots at my exams instead of a cute ballerina or high-heels. What's more my boots are the only pair I can wear wherever I go if I don't want my feet to get wet every time I leave the house.
Two of our friends gonna got married next month. It is sooo exciting! But I have no idea what to wear... Or I should say I have to much and I can't choose. In the first row I'm thinking in a H&M dress but I can't decide furthere I had no time to go shopping and try on any clothes. I want something simlpe but classy. And I haven't mentioned shoes... But I can't buy shoes without a dress. Should I buy shoes first?!
Except two pairs all of my shoes have a hole on their sole. Last time in the heaviest rain of May I wore my white sneakers, which I decorated myself, and the sole of the right one simply got broken. It felt like walking on a sponge. From that hole the whole shoe got soaked even the bottom of my jeans...
The weather is awful recently so yesterday I had to wear my boots at my exams instead of a cute ballerina or high-heels. What's more my boots are the only pair I can wear wherever I go if I don't want my feet to get wet every time I leave the house.
2016. április 10., vasárnap
Sum-up Sunday
Getting up before 5 in the morning and rushing at work all Thursday and Friday. Neither sleeping enough on Saturday and do the shopping. Getting ready for the nightout with the intention of I'd rather chill and watch series. Walking the city back and forth at night or it's better to say at dawn completely sober with half-drunk squad. Sleeping less than 3 hours. Waiting for the bus for at least 4 hours. AND TOMORROW IS MONDAY!
2016. április 1., péntek
Is there anyone?
Honestly. Is anyone out there, who's reading my bamblings continually? Who's not just finding my blog accidentally maybe reading some and forget it... Sometimes I feel that the existence of my blog is quite meaningless. Although I keep on writing. Maybe I should write my stuff into a notebook or a Word document. Sounds even more weird...
2016. március 19., szombat
To tell the truth I didn't really do anything exciting. I spent Monday and Tuesday with my boyfriend and we watched The Visit and some episode of Code Geass.
Today I went to Ham Festival with my parents to the neighbour town and we bought some yummies like handmade cheese.
It's not a big deal but you never know what would happen on a Saturday so I'm wearing some grunge makeup.
Today I went to Ham Festival with my parents to the neighbour town and we bought some yummies like handmade cheese.
It's not a big deal but you never know what would happen on a Saturday so I'm wearing some grunge makeup.
Recently I've been in the mood of baking. After getting home from the festival I baked some rolls filled with cheese and provence spices. Sooo deliciuos. I also made some flat muffins with cinnamon and choco pastille. We call it flat cuz we just pour the dough into the cake pan instead of using muffin tin.
2016. március 12., szombat
Sum-up Saturday
To tell the truth I'm totally unable to write frequently. So, I decided to write summaries from time to time. Here's the first one.
I have three holy grails recently. One is the Syoss Volume Lift dry shampoo which really refreshes my hair. I usually use it on that day in the morning when I intend to wash my hair in the night.. I mean... I hope you understand :D The other one is Garnier Essentials Sensitive 2in1 calming makeup remover. It removes foundation and eye-makeup easily without irritation. My skin on my face is quite problematic. Some parts are oily some are incredibly dry, prone to break out or have dry patches... So yeah, it's difficult to treat. The third one is Nivea Aftreshave Balm for sensitive skin. Yepp, it's a product for men but a great alternative for priming. I've been loving it lately. I got the idea for using it from Nikkie's videos (NikkieTutorials) aaand it works ;D
Last month I collected four... Or more?! At least four new scarves. If you follow me on Instagram you've already seen some of them. If you are not my follower yet... It's time to fix this problem, so here you go: imlucychuu
I'm really a big fan of scarves. I wear them in winter, summer, outside, inside no matter what.
I have three holy grails recently. One is the Syoss Volume Lift dry shampoo which really refreshes my hair. I usually use it on that day in the morning when I intend to wash my hair in the night.. I mean... I hope you understand :D The other one is Garnier Essentials Sensitive 2in1 calming makeup remover. It removes foundation and eye-makeup easily without irritation. My skin on my face is quite problematic. Some parts are oily some are incredibly dry, prone to break out or have dry patches... So yeah, it's difficult to treat. The third one is Nivea Aftreshave Balm for sensitive skin. Yepp, it's a product for men but a great alternative for priming. I've been loving it lately. I got the idea for using it from Nikkie's videos (NikkieTutorials) aaand it works ;D
Last month I collected four... Or more?! At least four new scarves. If you follow me on Instagram you've already seen some of them. If you are not my follower yet... It's time to fix this problem, so here you go: imlucychuu
I'm really a big fan of scarves. I wear them in winter, summer, outside, inside no matter what.
2016. február 17., szerda
Recent mood
I don't wanna study, don't wanna workout, don't wanna eat,
Let me listen to music and draw until I fall asleep.
Let me listen to music and draw until I fall asleep.
2016. február 5., péntek
I really-really-really want to have a new tattoo!
Or two... :D I've already got a lil' star and he's so lonely *-* He wants some mate. I've started to draw a sun-moon combination but it can not get that shape which I feel perfect.
nevermind my face |
Too big and way too simple. My star is simple as well but not that simple. If that make any sense...
Shadows are almost there... Since I want them to be like on my star-boy. Like this:
Furthermore I found two amazing pic, one with a blue and a yellow leon face-to-face each other in a heart kind of shape and one with two wolves in yin-yang form. And I feel like I want them on my skin*-*
BTW I must tell it's not that they're beautiful but I feel a kind of connection with these pics. They hold meaning for me besides I'm Leo and my favourite animal is wolf :D
Once in the future I'll talk about these things. Maybe when they'll be on my skin.
BTW I must tell it's not that they're beautiful but I feel a kind of connection with these pics. They hold meaning for me besides I'm Leo and my favourite animal is wolf :D
Once in the future I'll talk about these things. Maybe when they'll be on my skin.
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